Gamify your Course Presentations

Course presentation

A free HTML5-based presentation content type which allows users to add multiple choice questions, fill in the blanks, text, and other types of interactions to their presentations using only a web browser. Create engaging presentations with H5P and Course Presentation in publishing systems like Canvas, Brightspace, Blackboard, Moodle and WordPress.

When to use

Course presentations enables you to author and deliver your course material directly in your browser. Course presentations contain slides where you can add various multimedia- and interactive elements to engage the learner.

Course presentations are used when you want to package a piece of learning content in a structured and interactive format. Learners swipe through slides to experience the learning material, while solving various quizzes or watching videos along the way.  

Try Course presentations as an alternative to presenting your learning content as PowerPoint presentations, PDFs or text-based web pages. Course presentations are very flexible to use, as they are simple to create, publish and edit.